HT access trials and tribs
The rewrite engine should show a pretty it working?
Great primer site:
A couple of notes:
- I use Vhosts for local testing (keeps paths nice and production-like) - and directed the error log file in the vhosts configuration to go a separate local directory - so I could see why I was having a problem. ErrorLog "C:/vhosts/advphp/logs/error.log"
- That led me to understanding that the rerwrite base was part of the culprit - moved from ch2 to / and it worked. But..
- The duh (or if I'm kind to myself, aha) moment is from this post on Larry's forum: (nice url...) and you need to change your href links to the new "pretty" links if you want them to show in the browser address line. Thus, no href ="ch2/index.php?p=about.php", but rather href="ch2/about". This is practically errata material for newbies to this topic (like me) - small, but critical - it was working the whole time - but I didn't have any proper links to "test" or show it.
Thus, You can link here two ways:
About Dirty or About Clean